Is This a Brie?
Join Anne-Marie Pietersma and Christine Clark in their quest to elevate the cheesy experiences of their food-loving peers (you!). “Is This a Brie” informs and entertains the cheese lovers of the world with each grate new episode.
11 episodes
Episode 9: We're Back!
Recorded on July 29thWe're back! This episode was a catch up for us, and we cover A LOT of ground. Things like:- The role of cheese in social justice- Food access during the pandemic- Who and what determines the value...
Season 2
Episode 1

Episode 8: Night Cheese
As the great Liz Lemon once said, we out here "WorKiNg oN oUr NiGhT cHeEsE". The lifestyle that is Night Cheese is very important to Is This a Brie and you're about to find out why! Highlights include:- Christine talks about Vermont Creamer...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7: Geeky Cheese
This episode Christine and Anne-Marie talk about back-to-back and vertical tastings where the cheeses are similar but very different. They also discuss the relationship (perceived or real) of age to "sharpness" and how mold is eve...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 6: Party Cheese
What cheeses should you bring to, or serve at a party??Here are the highlights of this week's episode:- Christine talks about Harbison by Jasper Hill Farms- Anne-Marie talks about Komijnekaas (also known as Leyden Cheese or Leid...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 5: Breakfast Cheese
Why and how can/should you incorporate cheese into your breakfast routine? We're going to tell you. The cheeses we profile on this episode are:- Gjetost- Meredith Dairy Sheep & Goat CheeseAnne-Marie talks about Gjestost ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 4: Midnight Grilled Cheese
We talk about how to go about choosing the right contents for a great grilled cheese. We cover why some cheeses melt better than others, a little bit on what American cheese even is, and encourage you to live your best damn cheese life.
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode 3: Christmas Cheese
In this episode, we talk about to be decadent during the holidays. We highlight four of our favorite cheeses to have during Christmas-time, and what we like to pair with them.1. La Tur2. Challerhocker3. Point Reyes Bay Blue4...
Season 1
Episode 3

Episode 2: Travel Cheese
We explore the world of travelling with cheese, and how the first cheese WAS travel cheese. Highlights include:- Plane-specific cheese- Leaving cheese curds in your bag on accident- What clothbound cheddars are- Jasper Hill ...
Season 1
Episode 2