Is This a Brie?
Join Anne-Marie Pietersma and Christine Clark in their quest to elevate the cheesy experiences of their food-loving peers (you!). “Is This a Brie” informs and entertains the cheese lovers of the world with each grate new episode.
Is This a Brie?
Episode 9: We're Back!
Is This a Brie
Season 2
Episode 1
Recorded on July 29th
We're back! This episode was a catch up for us, and we cover A LOT of ground. Things like:
- The role of cheese in social justice
- Food access during the pandemic
- Who and what determines the value of cheese
- The differences between labels and terms like "natural" and "organic"
- A rant about the intersection of fitness snake oil and cheese marketing: "protein cheese" *cue eyeroll*
We also answer questions from our listeners like:
- Is one good cheese on a board better than a bunch of okay cheeses?
- What have we been up to?
- What to do with Halloumi?
- Did we predict Uplands Rush Creek Reserve crock? (hint: yes)
- Are we writing a show that's Cheers but at a cheese counter instead of a bar?