Is This a Brie?
Join Anne-Marie Pietersma and Christine Clark in their quest to elevate the cheesy experiences of their food-loving peers (you!). “Is This a Brie” informs and entertains the cheese lovers of the world with each grate new episode.
Is This a Brie?
Episode 8: Night Cheese
Is This a Brie
Season 1
Episode 8
As the great Liz Lemon once said, we out here "WorKiNg oN oUr NiGhT cHeEsE". The lifestyle that is Night Cheese is very important to Is This a Brie and you're about to find out why! Highlights include:
- Christine talks about Vermont Creamery Goat Log
- Anne-Marie talks about Lamb Chopper
- We both talk about out accidentally #synced night cheese experience
- Why you should care if your goats are horny or not
- Lemon curd
- Like a great improv team, goat cheese has your back